Auction Cars: 43063

Cars: 0

Bike's: 1

How to Buy?

Step 1: Pick Your Car
Select your dream car from our collection.
Use our car search tool to find the perfect match based on your preferences.
You can view detailed pictures and specifications for each vehicle.
Start searching here:

Step 2: Get a Quote or Buy Now
When you've found your car:
For New Customers: Click "Free Quote" if you're new or haven't bought from us before. Register or provide your details.
For Returning Customers: Choose "Buy Now" if you've purchased or deposited with us before. Log in to your account. After pressing "Buy Now," input the right details like your destination for shipping cost adjustments.
Get your Proforma Invoice.
Important: We'll review your reservation and contact you if needed.

Step 3: Make Payment
Check your email for the Proforma Invoice and print it.
Caution: Only pay based on the invoice from our official email:
Payment is due within 5 working days of receiving the Proforma Invoice.
Pay through bank wire transfer.
Use Lyca Motors Japan Co. Ltd beneficiary accounts in Japan (details in the invoice).
Send the confirmation receipt to
We'll start shipping after confirming your payment. Full payment is needed for your car to be shipped.

Step 4: Track Your Shipment
Expect an email about your shipment details, including booking info.
Log in to your Lyca Motors Japan account to see Departure and Arrival dates on the "My Account" page.
When we ship your car, we'll send original documents via DHL.
Be ready to collect your car at your Destination Port.
Essential Documents:
Original Export Certificate (Japanese)
Translated English Export Certificate (by Lyca Motors Japan)
Customs Invoice for local verification
Bill of Lading (BL) to get your car to your Destination Port

Step 5: Clear Customs
Contact your local Customs office or agent to clear your car through customs and finally, enjoy your new ride!